Accepted to Stanford GSB!

This morning, I made sure that my cell phone was sitting next to me as I began my work day. I checked the volume and eagerly hoped for a call from Derrick Bolton of GSB. I saw a few people from Asia and Europe post admits on the gmatclub forum. Then, at around 10am, I casually glanced down at my phone and noticed that I somehow had a missed call from 9:45am. I listened to the voicemail and jumped up from my seat when I heard the message saying I had been admitted. I listened to it again 2 more times just to make sure I had heard correctly.

OMG, I've been accepted to one of the best business schools in the country!

If you recall from an earlier post, I actually didn't think my GSB interview went very well. It wasn't bad, but I had a hard time reading my interviewer and I wasn't sure whether my personality came through as well as it did with prior interviews. Whelp, somehow it worked out, I guess.

I still cannot believe it. I'm beyond happy, amazed, and simply thankful. I'll probably post something else here later, but for now I am too excited to focus and to type anything more than these few lines.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm absolutely thrilled to be admitted, and still in disbelief!

  2. Congratulations! Quite a feat with all the admits - I have be a lurker following you on the blog and GC :).

    So when do you decide about the final business school!?

    1. Thanks for reading! I have until May or something like that to decide, but I'll most likely make my decision this weekend. I think I know what my decision will be, but I just want a few more days to get over my excitement-high and fully think things through.


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