FOMO is real

Classes haven't even started yet, and I'm already experiencing FOMO.

The number of events that I've already received invites for is mind-boggling. Should I go on that Cape Cod retreat, attend the Gatsby party, Color Block party, cocktails and networking event, yacht day, dinner with ECs, etc???... oh yeah, and at some point between those events, I'll also need to read a bunch of cases, be prepared to be cold-called, familiarize myself with campus, try to meet new people, and get re-adjusted to living with a roommate.

Holy crap, this year is going to be crazy...and amazing... but definitely crazy.

So anyway, I'm learning that HBS is a very social place. Last year, when researching MBA programs, I heard so much about the fun activities and parties that pervade Kellogg and the friendliness of students at programs like Tuck and Fuqua. HBS was designated as the uber competitive, suit-wearing "bro." But, so far at least, I haven't experienced that at all. Everyone I've met has been super supportive and down to earth. We'll see what happens once classes start, but I'm feeling very happy about my decision to matriculate here.


  1. Hi Michelle,

    People have probably asked you this a million times by now, but I was wondering if you could share two or three defining factors that helped you get admitted to Stanford and HBS? If answered that already on your blog or somewhere else, I'd be grateful if you could point me there.

    Thank you,

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